• When: 10 Jun 2022 - 18 Jun 2022
  • Where: Syntagma Square
  • Title: Athens Pride 2022
  • Website: athenspride.eu/en/
Athens Pride 2022
Human rights are universal and non-negotiable.
As individuals we are all born free, without distinction.
We have the right to free speech, to education, to marriage, to have a family, to work and to be safe.

Of course, none of the above applies in practice when our sexual orientation, characteristics, expression and gender identity come under the microscope. Arbitrary restrictions based on non-existent considerations suddenly appear, which intensify the insecurity and discrimination that we constantly experience.

We can form a civil partnership but we cannot get married.
We can have children of our own but only as individuals.
We can foster children but not adopt them.
We can be free but only in our beds.
We can feel safe but only if we hide.

However, our identities, our bodies and how we look involve our entire life. We deserve a life of enjoying the rights and fulfilling the obligations we share with the rest of the world. We and our families demand true equality without hearing “yes, but”, safely, without conditions and asterisks. This is unconditional.

At this year’s Athens Pride we demand an UNCONDITIONAL celebration.
For Unconditional education
For Unconditional equality to marriage and family
For Unconditional safety
For an Unconditional life

Join us again this year to claim the UNCONDITIONAL acceptance, visibility and equality we are entitled to in the Athens Pride Parade on Saturday, June 18 at 7:00 PM. Starting point: Hellenic Parliament.

Events: June 10-18 throughout the city
Main full-day event, Parade, Concert: June 18, 2022: SYNTAGMA SQUARE