Presentation: Thetahealing With Maria Telidou


  • When: 18 Apr 2019 - 18 Apr 2019
  • Time: 18:00 - 22:00
  • Where: The Athenian Callirhoe Exclusive Hotel, Kalorois 32, Athens
  • Price: Free entrance / No reservation
  • Title: Presentation: Thetahealing With Maria Telidou
  • Email:
  • Contact Number: 6949762983 (Mon-Fri 10:30-14:00)
  • Website:
Dear friends, we invite you to the public presentations and speeches of ThetaHealing with Maria Telidou.

In the speeches Maria Telidou presents the technique and:

- You will learn everything about ThetaHealing and understand how it works.

- You will experience how to bring yourself to the conscious state of the Theta brain waves, what you can achieve when you are in this state and how it will help you in self-knowledge, healing, health and abundance at a physical or psychological level in all areas of your daily life.

- You will learn the scientific background of energy therapies through quantum physics, the role of intuition in healing and how to cultivate your intuitive skills.

- You will understand the simplicity of the healing and the power of thought as the Highest Consciousness.

- We will explore negative beliefs, feelings and thoughts, their origins, how they lead us to illness, and how we can cure.

- You will learn how to change your life with the power of your consciousness and some simple experiential exercises.

This presentation is for Greek-speaking and English speakers at different times. Also after the end of the presentations one hour will be devoted to existing students or therapists.


Thursday 18th of April 2019 (18.00-19.30 for Εnglish speakers)

Thursday 18th of April 2019 (19.30-21.00 for Greek-speaking public)

21.00-22.00 only for Thetahealing Students, Thetahealers, or those who have attended the seminars but need guidance for any matters.