Online Activities At The Museum Of Cycladic Art


  • When: 17 Apr 2020
  • Title: Online Activities At The Museum Of Cycladic Art
Online Activities At The Museum Of Cycladic Art
The Museum of Cycladic Art invites guests to explore a series of online activities by visiting the museum's website.
Here visitors can gain in-depth insight into the Cycladic, Ancient Greek, and Cypriot cultures. Remember some of the museum's greatest temporary exhibitions through images, videos, and exclusive backstage material. Explore the museum's entire collection. Watch interesting lectures and choose from a variety of e-books to read online. 
At this time, the museum has a special digital exhibition focused on how therapeutic practices have changed and developed over time. From the dawn of its existence, humanity has struggled to maintain health and searched for the causes of the diseases afflicting us, attributing them sometimes to external factors, such as magic and divine wrath, and sometimes to internal causes, such as an imbalance of the elements of our constitution until we finally established the medical model. Guests can get acquainted with ancient Greek medicine from the comfort of their home and discover medical practices and methods, some of which are still used today, through fascinating documents, artifacts, images, and other great historical sources. See the exhibition here.
Below is an Orphic Hymn to Hygieia from the emblematic exhibition Health, Illness, Treatment from Homer to Galen that was presented in 2014, today the Museum of Cycladic Art invites guests to explore the exhibition digitally.

"Queen of all, charming and lovely blooming, 
Blessed Hygieia, mother of all, bringer of prosperity, hear me.
Through you vanish the diseases that afflict men, 
And through you every house blossoms to fullness of joy, 
And the arts thrive; the world desires you, O queen, 
And only soul-destroying Hades ever loathes you. 
Ever youthful, ever beloved, you are a heaven for mortals. 
Apart from you all is without avail for men: 
Wealth, sweet to those feast, and giver of abundance, fails, 
And man never reaches the many pains of old age, 
For you are sole mistress and queen of all. 
But, goddess, come, ever helpful to the initiates, 
And keep away the accursed distress of harsh disease."

With this Orphic Hymn to Hygieia and the emblematic exhibition Health, Illness, Treatment from Homer to Galen that was presented in 2014, the Museum of Cycladic Art invites guests to explore their website for a series of online activities.

This content has been sourced and prepared by Codico Lab.