The SNFCC Ice Rink Is Back!
- When: 30 Nov 2019 - 31 Dec 2019
- Where: Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center Syggrou Avenue 364
- Price: Free
- Title: The SNFCC Ice Rink Is Back!
- Email:
- Contact Number: 2168091000
- Website:

Starting on 30/11 for the third year in a row, the floating Ice Rink picks up the tempo in the SNFCC Christmas World, with skaters gliding in a festive mood, their skates throwing up fire!
This year located at the start of the Canal, in front of the Visitors Center, the Ice Rink will offer all fans of the most Christmassy sport the opportunity to enjoy a fantastic “inside view” of the majestic Dancing Fountains and the illuminated Canal.
The Ice Rink will be open daily from 10.00 to 22.00 until 02/02/2020 (subject to weather conditions), with a maximum 40-minute stay.
Free admission by online preregistration!