Pop-Up DisABILITY AWAREness Escape Room


  • When: 24 Nov 2019 - 24 Nov 2019
  • Time: 12:00 - 18:00
  • Where: Atlantos 22
  • Price: Free
  • Title: Pop-Up DisABILITY AWAREness Escape Room
  • Email: info@kinitro.org
  • Contact Number: +306942574831
  • Website: kinitro.org/

KINITRO's disABILITY AWAREness project Labyrinth of Senses along with Erasmus Student Network Greece organize an All-Day interactive Pop-Up disABILITY AWAREness escape room this Sunday 24/11 at Atlantos 22, Kato Patissia from 12.00-18.00.

They aim to bring the Erasmus+ Community and locals in interaction in a safe space while learning about disability with Non-Formal Education.
Are you able to overcome the obstacles, and win the challenges in order to create a better world of zero barriers?

The event is funded by the Erasmus+ Student Alumni Alliance (ESAA), which brings together the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA), the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), garagErasmus (gE) and the OCEANS Network. ESAA connects all European Union funded exchange students and alumni and offers a dynamic platform for networking, professional development, and intercultural learning while promoting European Higher Education and worldwide cooperation.

Join us, for free this Sunday and #findtheSPARKinyou!

Read more about the event here

If you love volunteering and you are interested in facilitating disABILITY AWAREness workshops click HERE!

XpatAthens is proud to be a Non-Profit Sponsor to Labyrinth of Senses & KINITRO NGO.