"Friends Of The Child" Christmas Bazaar


  • When: 04 Dec 2021 - 05 Dec 2021
  • Time: 10:00 - 20:00
  • Where: Old OSY Depot
  • Price: Free Entrance
  • Title: "Friends Of The Child" Christmas Bazaar
  • Website: www.filoitoupediou.gr/
"Friends Of The Child" Christmas Bazaar The Charitable Association "The Friends of the Child", wanting to support children in need, will be holding its established International Christmas Bazaar, on December 4 & 5, at the Old OSY Depot. in Kerameikos, Piraeus & Ermou.

With the valuable participation of numerous embassies, the Association will be hosting a joyful global celebration with flavors, music, customs and traditions from the four corners of the horizon.

In a Christmas decorated space, locals and visitors will have the chance to purchase homemade sweets, Christmas decorations, clothes, books, toys and unique gifts.

Our goal is to support and secure all the required monthly needs for children until their adultness, whose families (single-parent or nuclear families) face financial and social problems. Specifically, “Friends of the Child” covers food, clothing, rents and bills for families in housing risk, psychological and counseling support, entertainment, and medical care. Children with health problems are a high priority for our social program.