Athens Community Connect December 2018


Athens Community Connect meets again on Wednesday the 12th  of December from 10.30 to 12.30 at the Swedish Centre in Plaka.

Join us to celebrate the Christmas Season. Christmas cards, gifts and crackers for sale, books at 50 cents, second-hand clothing and preserves. .

Community Connect Northern Suburbs meets on Wednesday the 19th of December from 10 to 12 noon at the Loida Scripture Union Home for the Elderly, Levidou 77, Kifissia. Christmas cards, gifts and crackers for sale, books at 50 cents. “Knit &, Natter” Corner. For further information contact Chris on 6977 377 655 or Helena on 210 684 1210.

All proceeds help St. Paul’s Anglican Church Athens to continue its charitable work in the city.