“The Same Party” A Group Art Exhibition In Multiple Media
- When: 18 Apr 2018 - 05 May 2018
- Where: FokiaNou Art Space, Fokianou 24, 7 th floor, Pagrati, Athens
- Title: “The Same Party” A Group Art Exhibition In Multiple Media
- Email: info@fokianou247.gr

FokiaNou Art Space celebrates its four-year anniversary with a group show of artists who have hadexhibitions in the space. Under the name Fo Kia Nou 24/7, the endeavor was started by BlankaAmezkua as an alternative project space in an old apartment in the center of Athens, at a time whensuch independent spaces were rare. Over the years projects of all kinds have taken place, with artists ofvarious backgrounds collaborating on creative efforts.
After their joint show, “Distant Nature”, in April2016, two artists, Mary Cox and Panagiotis Voulgaris decided to take over the space upon BlankaAmezkua’s departure in the fall of the same year. Since then Fokianou Art Space has hosted exhibitions,workshops, talks and projects, while promoting synergy and a sense of community between Greek andforeign artists.This exhibition revisits those artists, who are for the most part showing new work.
Participating artists: Blanka Amezkua, John Bicknell, Mary Cox, Irini Doukas, Angeliki Douveri, SarahEttlinger, Extra-Conjugale, Apostolos Fanakidis, Chrisostomos Galathris, Roxani Giannou, Sarajane KiddLeone, Loula Levendi, Ioanna Terlidou, Marios Trichas, Ira Vlahaki, Panagiotis Voulgaris, KiveliZachariou.
Curated by Mary Cox and Panagiotis Voulgaris.
Opening: Wednesday, 18 April, 2018, 20:00
Hours: Thursday to Saturday, 17:00-20:00
After their joint show, “Distant Nature”, in April2016, two artists, Mary Cox and Panagiotis Voulgaris decided to take over the space upon BlankaAmezkua’s departure in the fall of the same year. Since then Fokianou Art Space has hosted exhibitions,workshops, talks and projects, while promoting synergy and a sense of community between Greek andforeign artists.This exhibition revisits those artists, who are for the most part showing new work.
Participating artists: Blanka Amezkua, John Bicknell, Mary Cox, Irini Doukas, Angeliki Douveri, SarahEttlinger, Extra-Conjugale, Apostolos Fanakidis, Chrisostomos Galathris, Roxani Giannou, Sarajane KiddLeone, Loula Levendi, Ioanna Terlidou, Marios Trichas, Ira Vlahaki, Panagiotis Voulgaris, KiveliZachariou.
Curated by Mary Cox and Panagiotis Voulgaris.
Opening: Wednesday, 18 April, 2018, 20:00
Hours: Thursday to Saturday, 17:00-20:00