• by XpatAthens
  • Friday, 20 February 2015
Kourkoumpinia Recipe

Old traditional and easy sweet that I hope is liked if not by all at least to most … if you haven’t tried them this is the occasion therefore to make them for your family, to offer them as a gift to your loved ones and friends, and especially for the fasting period elapsing as they’re ideal. As sweets they are cheap to make as they don’t need many ingredients. Try them!!!




  1/2 kg crust phyllo (for pastries and pies)
  2/3 tea cups olive 


  425 gr. sugar
  200 ml water
  2 vanilla
  1 pinch cinnamon
  few drops of lemon juice

  A few drops of orange juice

To read the rest of the recipe, please visit deliciousrecipesofgogo.blogspot.gr