The Smile Of The Child


Who We Are:

"The Smile of the Child" was created in 1995 by 10-year-old Andreas Yannopoulos, who, shortly before leaving from life, expressed in his diary his wish to found an organization that will ensure for all children what he had so generously enjoyed: love, affection, care and respect.

The dream of 10-year-old Andreas became reality and today the Organization "The Smile of the Child", recognized internationally, with a Vision: the Smile of every child, implements nationwide, 365 days a year and 24 hours a day, effective and direct actions for preventing and addressing particular phenomena that threaten children.

In the course of 23 years of action "The Smile of the Child" has supported more than 1.480.000 children and their families. Children victims of any form of violence, missing children, children with health problems, children living in poverty or threatened by poverty, have found a solution.

The Organization is staffed by spezialized scientific personnel, has the precious support of volunteers and is based on citizens and companies that actively provide their support in practice through donations and sponsorships.

What We Do:

- We are next to every child victim of Violence Physical, Sexual and Psychological Abuse, Neglect, Bullying, Smuggling & Trafficking.
- We are next to every missing child. 
- We stand by each child with health problems.
- We support each child living in or being at the risk of poverty.

To learn more about the organization click HERE!