Walking/Jogging Around Athens


40 Years of Walking and Running around Athens!

We are a friendly group of people who meet every Sunday in or around Athens for a social get-together. Some of us run and others walk, folllowing a pre-planned trail. This takes about an hour or two followed by a drink together and then many go off to a Taverna for Sunday lunch.

The run is non-competitive and is arranged to be suitable for all abilities. The style of the group is non-mainstream; for example the 'run' is often interrupted by a beer stop.

Ages range from 20's to 70's and some of our group bring along young children. There is an irreverent 'humour' to the group but it is always in good spirit. The Athens Hash House Harriers is part of a world-wide informal network of 'hashes' , numbering more than 1500, which has been growing since 1938.

Check out our web site for more info/photo's and news of our next meeting.  

Also contact: Sharon.silverwoodrobson@fco.gov.uk  or catchall@sambiggs.com

Lifts to out-of -town locations are often available.

As we say, " If you've half a mind to go hashing that's all you need".